18 February 2013

Week in Review: Hello, Rollercoaster Emotions Called...

Happy Family Day to all of you who are lucky enough to celebrate! Now for a photo of my family doing something ridiculous (I have many, many, MANY of these):

My sister and I as kids, showing off the family talent. Just let me know, and I'll crack this baby out at your next party!

I am writing this week's "Week in Review" with a cat beside me and my hubby on the couch, watching the original Tron. So yeah, I'm one of the lucky ones.

As you noticed in my previous posts, last week was awash with emotions.
  • It was the 18-month anniversary of my accident. What this means for me: anything that occurred during the accident, any physical damage still remaining, is now permanent. I will now live with nerve damage, soft tissue damage, and aching break sites for the rest of my life.
  • We visited the "Star Wars: Identities" exhibit at the Telus World of Science for the second time, and this time we were able to fully appreciate the awesomeness as it was WAY less busy.
Totally awesome technical drawing of the Millenium Falcon. Lucas has said he modelled the shape after a hamburger, and then put the pointy bits on so fans would know the front and back.
  • Thursday was Valentine's Day, and to celebrate Matt and I went out to dinner at our favourite pizza place. We always have a lovely time there making fun of the endless supply of hipsters. He also bought me a bouquet of flowers and made sure they added orchids and roses, my very favourite flowers.
  • I had my doctor's appointment, and we all know how that turned out.
  • Friday night we attended the Valentine's Day dance at the CFB Edmonton Officers' Mess. We got to dress up all pretty, and have a great meal with some good friends. We met people we hadn't seen in a very long time, and I got a lot of compliments from the officers that I met when Matt did his course in Kingston (the one he was on when we first started dating). We also got to dance, something we haven't done since our wedding. 
  • And since I am not drinking, I drove us home. Yay me! It's been quite a while since I've been behind the wheel, and this was by far the furthest in Edmonton I've ever driven. Big win!
  • This weekend has been an orgy of classic movies and video games, and I can't complain in the slightest. I have gotten to spend quality time with the love of my life (which is rare) and our three furry babies (not so rare).
Also, you'll be pleased to know that I started tracking my food and water intake, and after day 4 already feel a million times better. I think the tracking is helping me stay accountable for eating well and drinking enough water, and it's also recording my caloric intake, so I feel more connected with how my food affects my mood. The last thing I plan on doing is starting a sleep journal and recording the time I sleep and number of hours. This should help me figure out exactly what I'm doing in the day that causes me "zombie dreams" or a restless night.

Now I'm off to watch Matty kill stuff with his PS3. Yes, this still counts as quality time together. Enjoy your loved ones, all!


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